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Trabzon Teknokent

Software Clustering for Trabzon Teknokent Companies

The Service Sector Competitiveness Enhancement Project (HISER) will be carried out under the supervision of Trabzon Technopolis in cooperation with the Trabzon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Within the scope of the project, a Software Cluster is being created with the participation of our companies operating in the IT sector.
The information event of the project, which we plan to be carried out in order to improve the international competitiveness of our Software companies, increase service revenues, open to foreign Sundays and branding, was held in the Trabzon Teknokent conference hall. The interest of our entrepreneurs in the project, which will also contribute positively to ecosystem partnerships, is great. There are more than 100 companies operating in the IT sector in Trabzon. More than 50% of these companies are located in Trabzon Teknokent. Under the supervision of Trabzon Teknokent, it is aimed to bring Trabzon to the forefront as a software base in addition to the developments of software companies in the specified areas with the project in cooperation with TTSO.
Trabzon Technology Development Region Manager A.Sh 
University Quarter Hospital Street No: 19/B 61081 
Ortahisar / Trabzon

info@trabzonteknokent.com.tr 0462 328 10 00
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2023 Turkuaznet İnternet ve Bilişim Hizmetleri tarafından geliştirilmiştir.