We Shed Light on the Future with Technology and Innovation...
Trabzon Teknokent



Sharing Experience for our students with Trabzon Technology Association

Sharing Experience for our students with Trabzon Technology Association
Company - Student Experience Sharing
Our students were shared their experiences through a joint program with the Trabzon Technology Association, with whom we are ecosystem stakeholders.

1. Trabzon Technopolis Entrepreneur Workshop

1. Trabzon Technopolis Entrepreneur Workshop
It organized the "1st Trabzon Teknokent Entrepreneur Workshop" with its entrepreneurs within Trabzon Teknokent. The aim of the workshop is to better understand the needs, demands and complaints of entrepreneurs and to share the expectations of Teknokent from its entrepreneurs.

Introduction of Eurasia University Technopolis

Introduction of Eurasia University Technopolis
Technopolis Presentation Presentation
In addition to the promotion of Trabzon Teknokent, the dynamics in the entrepreneurial ecosystem were also included in the event where the academic staff and students of our university were present together.

Software Clustering for Trabzon Teknokent Companies

Software Clustering for Trabzon Teknokent Companies
The Service Sector Competitiveness Enhancement Project (HISER) will be carried out under the supervision of Trabzon Technopolis in cooperation with the Trabzon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Within the scope of the project, a Software Cluster is being created with the participation of our companies operating in the IT sector.

Introduction of Eurasia University Technopolis

Introduction of Eurasia University Technopolis
Technopolis Presentation Presentation
TTO Specialists of Trabzon Teknokent are Mr. Yasemin KESKIN and Mr. Dr. In the event that we organized with the participation of Seda MUHSIR HATIPOĞLU, the incentives, support and exemptions that Trabzon Teknokent provides to its entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs were mentioned.

KTU Sürmene Abdullah Hook Vocational High School Technopolis Introduction

KTU Sürmene Abdullah Hook Vocational High School Technopolis Introduction
Technopolis Presentation Presentation
TTO Specialists of Trabzon Teknokent are Mr. Yasemin KESKIN and Mr. Dr. In the event that we organized with the participation of Seda MUHSIR HATIPOĞLU, the incentives, support and exemptions that Trabzon Teknokent provides to its entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs were mentioned.

TTFEST Project Evaluation Days

TTFEST Project Evaluation Days

Cooperation with ITU Çekirdek in the Partner Incubation Program

Cooperation with ITU Çekirdek in the Partner Incubation Program
With the "Partner Incubation Program" event organized by ITU Seed, we came together with ITU Seed and 9 technoparks. Dec. We have discussed at length what we can do together within the scope of the program.

I'm wondering - Software Interview

I'm wondering - Software Interview


Kanuni Anatolian High School Talent Talks Event

Kanuni Anatolian High School Talent Talks Event
As Trabzon Teknokent, we took part in the interview on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial mindset by Seçil Yıldırım Çelebi, General Manager of the Young Achievement Education Foundation - Junior Achievement Turkey at the "Talent Talks" event organized for the second time at Kanuni Anatolian High School (Trabzon Anatolian High School). We exchanged ideas about the services we have provided to entrepreneurship as a common denominator. We would like to thank Kanuni Anatolian High School for inviting us to the Talent Talks event.

Shape the Future in Incubation: Days of Technology and Entrepreneurship

Shape the Future in Incubation: Days of Technology and Entrepreneurship
Gökhan AKYOL (Teknar Technology), Ibrahim Hakkı ŞENOL (Vawttürk Energy), Res. One of our company officials attended the "Shape the Future in Incubation: Technology and Entrepreneurship Days' event held within Gümüşhane University. See. Mehmet Emin KOBYA (Minty Software), Assoc. Dr. We attended with Sefa YALVAÇ (Deya Soft), Abdullah ÖKMEN (Fezari Technology) and Ahmet USTA (Lenk Technology). In addition to mentioning the importance of Teknokent in the entrepreneurship system and sharing experiences with our company officials in order to be useful to our entrepreneur candidates, the event was held. In addition to Ahmet USTA's (Lens Technology) seminar on Blockchain, the effectiveness of student clubs and folk dances were also included in the event, which made us feel like a host, Mr. Prof. Dr. We would like to thank Halil Ibrahim ZEYBEK and his entire team for their valuable contributions.


Trabzon Teknokent took its place in DOKKAF. Our guests who participated in the event were informed about the advantages of Trabzon Teknokent, entrepreneurship and incorporation.

Faculty Of Technology Technopolis Introduction

Faculty Of Technology Technopolis Introduction
Technopolis Presentation Presentation
An Introductory Meeting was held in Trabzon Technopolis for the Students of the Electronics and Communication Club of the Faculty of Technology. At the meeting, where the importance of the entrepreneurial ecosystem was emphasized, the advantages of taking part in Teknokent were explained in detail.

TGB Coordination Meeting

TGB Coordination Meeting
Ministry of Industry and Technology 12. The Coordination Meeting of Technology Development Zones was held hosted by Balıkesir. Our General Manager Mr. Gürbüz ODABAŞI and our TTO expert Yasemin KESKIN participated in the meeting.

After the 2-day training given in our region within the scope of the

After the 2-day training given in our region within the scope of the
After the 2-day training given in our region within the scope of the "Foreign Trade Management Training and Consultancy Service" project supported by DOKA, our entrepreneurs were given certificates.

Turkcell Business Association Meeting

Turkcell Business Association Meeting
Turkcell's Offer to Trabzon Technopolis Entrepreneurs

Bursa Technopark Meeting

Bursa Technopark Meeting
An introduction meeting was held with Bursa Technopark. Projects that can be done jointly were mentioned.

Mentee-Mentor meeting with Lake District Technopolis

Mentee-Mentor meeting with Lake District Technopolis
Mentee-Mentor negotiations with Lake District Teknokent are continuing. Mutual experience is being shared.

Online meeting with Fundbulucu from investor networks

Online meeting with Fundbulucu from investor networks
An online meeting was held with Fonbulucu Entrepreneur Relations Director Enis Erdem YURDATAPAN and his team about the details of our cooperation. Our roles in opening our entrepreneurs in our region to crowdfunding with their projects have been discussed on the table.

Investor-Company Matching
Our entrepreneurs in our region had a meeting with the investor and told about their projects. During the meeting, ideas were exchanged about the investment method and details.

Fundbulucu Company Information Meeting

Fundbulucu Company Information Meeting
An information meeting was held for our entrepreneurs to open up to crowdfunding with the participation of the Funder Entrepreneur Relations Director Enis Erdem YURDATAPAN. Our companies have made one-to-one interviews and explained their projects.

KOSGEB KOBIGEL Information Collection

KOSGEB KOBIGEL Information Collection
KOBIGEL-SME Development Support Program 2022 Project Call for Proposals Information meeting was organized. At the meeting, the details of the 3 project call for proposals were discussed by KOSGEB expert and the necessary directives of our participating companies were made.

Garanti BANK Turkey Women Entrepreneur Academy Training

Garanti BANK Turkey Women Entrepreneur Academy Training
As Trabzon Technopolis, we took part in the "Garanti BBVA Turkish Women Entrepreneur Academy" project of 12 trainings, which is carried out in cooperation with the Boğaziçi University Lifelong Learning Center (BÜYEM). Thank you to everyone who contributed.
Trabzon Technology Development Region Manager A.Sh 
University Quarter Hospital Street No: 19/B 61081 
Ortahisar / Trabzon

info@trabzonteknokent.com.tr 0462 328 10 00
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2023 Turkuaznet İnternet ve Bilişim Hizmetleri tarafından geliştirilmiştir.